Whatʼs in season this winter? The king of citrus
Chances are, many of us have walked right past this exotic lemon at the grocery store or farmerʼs market. Thought to be a hybrid lemon, a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin orange, Meyer lemons have a deep yellow hue and a sweet floral taste. Native to China, Meyer lemons made their way to the US in the early 20th century. Ready for harvest early in the holiday season, these juicy gems are sure to add a burst of flavor and sophistication to both sweet and savory dishes.
Prized for its less acidic nature, Meyer lemons can be used in traditional lemon desserts and the juice of the lemon can be used in salad dressings or to make beverages. Meyer lemons can be preserved or pickled. Thinly cut slices can be used to roast with root vegetables, chicken or fish or can be steeped to make a tea. The lemon zest, the grated outer rind of the fruit, can be added to dishes or dried and added to salts. Look for Meyer lemons with a vivid and deep orange yellow rind.
Meyer Lemons contain essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, particularly they are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium and folate. Many antioxidants are found in lemons, they are beneficial to the immune system, show cancer protective and anti inflammatory effects particularly to the liver. Their peel contains a high concentration of a soluble fiber known as pectin which acts as a digestive aide.
Next time life gives you lemons, make something healthy!