health tests
intuitive. effortless. healthcare reimagined.
Welcome to a proactive perspective on patient care and lifestyle medicine—discover and rediscover wellness! FigsOlivesHoney is proud to partner with Thorne for access to high quality, professional-grade supplements exclusively available through authorized practitioners. Recommendations from your practitioner are sent to your preferred device, then supplements are shipped to your front door. Tailored to your needs, Thorne also offers optional auto-ship and refill reminders. Meet your wellness goals from anywhere!
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A baseline health assesment that includes 63 biomarkers, measuring performance hormones like testosterone and DHEA-S, essential vitamins and minerals, and metabolic function. Lab visit required.
This at-home saliva test provides insights about your stress response and adrenal health by measuring hormone fluctuations. Results include a personalized health plan.
Discover why you’re having trouble sleeping. This at-home saliva test tracks hormone fluctuations that regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Results include a personalized health plan.
This at-home blood and saliva test provides insights by measuring key biomarkers associated with weight management. Results include a personalized health plan.
This at-home blood test provides insights about thyroid function by measuring key hormone levels. Results include a personalized health plan.
This at-home blood test will provide health insights by measuring your level of vitamin D. Results include a personalized health plan.

This at-home saliva test measures levels of the key hormones related to menopause. Results include a personalized health plan.
most popular
A detailed analysis and a personalized plan that targets your GI discomfort to optimize wellness.
This at-home blood and saliva test provides insights by measuring a women’s reproductive hormones, thyroid function, and stress response. Results include a personalized health plan.
Analyzes the impact that lifestyle, nutrition, illness, and genetics have had on your body and vital organs. Disover the biological age of the body you’re living in! Lab visit required.