A widely cultivated edible mushroom, Shiitake is native to East Asia where it is also  considered to be a medicinal mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine.  Offering a wide array of health benefits, shiitake mushrooms have demonstrated  anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This is no ordinary mushroom! 

Packed with vitamins and vital minerals, shiitake takes it on: augmenting the  immune system, combating inflammation, lowering cholesterol, supporting heart  health, aiding energy and recovery and potentially fighting against cancerous  cells. A unique feature to this superfood is that it contains all eight essential amino  acids along with essential fatty acids responsible for bone health and fiber  responsible for improving digestion and reducing food allergies and intolerances.  

The best way to use Shiitake is to cook it. This versatile mushroom is a great  substitute for meat. You can find this handsome mushroom either dried or fresh in  most grocery stores. To soften dried shiitake, soaking it in hot water will prepare  the mushroom before cooking. When opting for the dry variety, select whole  pieces and not sliced. My favorite dry option is one which can be sun-dried,  harvested with eco friendly cultivation, organic non-GMO, gluten free, vegan and  kosher. My favorite fresh shiitake comes from the local farmerʼs market. Shiitake  can be added to omelets, stir fries, salads or soups. When cooking with fresh  shiitake, remove the stems but donʼt waste them! Stems can be used to make a  vegetarian broth for your Wednesday noodle bowl night.  

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