While going through graduate school, I often thought to myself that if I were ever  stranded on a desert island I would want to have the company of CoQ10.  Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10, has a rudimentary function of generating energy in the  body on a cellular level. Not only does it function in the production of energy but  also in the transfer of energy within cells. Our bodies produce this compound  naturally, however aging and dietary deficiencies can deplete levels in the body.  Low levels of CoQ10 have been linked to chronic conditions including heart  disease and diabetes. Additionally, studies have touted the benefits of CoQ10 in  improving fertility, exercise performance, combating inflammation and cancer  prevention. Lastly, CoQ10 is a key nutrient for those struggling with anxiety,  depression and changes in mood.  

It goes without saying that one would also need to protect their skin while  stranded on a desert island, after all some say your skin is the largest organ in  your body! Keep in mind that skin health is managed by internal and external  factors. Internal factors include things like hormonal imbalances and cellular  damage resulting from chronic stress and poor lifestyle habits. External factors  include exposure to the elements as well as the cumulative effect of using toxic  cosmetics and personal care products. This powerful antioxidant can mitigate  damage from internal and external factors while also providing protective effects.  

Where does CoQ10 come from? Foods containing CoQ10 include fatty fish such as  salmon and mackerel; vegetables such as spinach and broccoli; meat such as beef  and chicken as well as organ meats including liver and kidney; fruit such as  avocado and strawberries; legumes such as lentils; nuts and seeds such as  peanuts and pistachios as well as whole grains. To achieve a therapeutic dose,  supplementation might be necessary for those looking to manage chronic  conditions. 

When in doubt, Keep calm and CoQ10 on!