Dear sleep, I miss you…
For those of us with children, the very first thing we did when they came along was put them on a consistent schedule for feeding and sleeping. A sleep schedule is one which regulates the time of sleep as well as time of waking. If youʼve never been taught a proper sleep schedule or ever heard of sleep hygiene- no worries, you can reset your sleep schedule and ensure youʼre getting enough shut eye. While many of us like to ‘make up sleepʼ, interestingly a consistent sleep schedule actually fosters improved sleep quality. The key is consistency which means to maintain this set schedule on weekends and holidays as well. An occasional night out might shift your sleep by an hour or so, however your body can recover faster if you resume your established sleep and wake times. According to the Sleep foundation, people with consistent sleep schedules are 1.5 times more likely to feel rested during the day. By the way, consistency with eating is also imperative to improved wellbeing but thatʼs for another time.
Sleep deficiency affects physical and emotional wellbeing. When this deficiency becomes chronic deprivation, it leads to a slew of medical concerns including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and it has even been shown to shorten lifespan. Sleep deprivation also contributes to low libido, mood changes, compromised immunity and work performance which means more accidents and worse yet medical errors. Some statistics report up to 40% of Americans are sleep deprived, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) declared insufficient sleep a public health concern long before COVID depression and anxiety was a reality. Why does sleep elude so many of us? Sleep is both a physical and a mental process which means you have to be able to rest your body and mind in order to optimize deeply restful and restorative sleep.
Weʼve all been there, itʼs 3 AM and youʼre somewhere between too hot and too cold, reaching for the phone. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) body clock, the time you wake my signal underlying physical, mental and emotional imbalances. In this instance, waking between 1AM-3AM indicates a liver disharmony which could be related to high levels of stress, an unhealthy diet including excessive alcohol consumption as well as unresolved emotions. In TCM, the liver system is responsible for detoxification, balancing of hormones, storing and cleansing of blood, ensuring the smooth flow of qi or the bodyʼs vital energy as well as processing of emotions. Late night eating, intentional wakefulness or disrupted sleep can further impact these essential activities. When the liver is overworked and struggling to perform itʼs duties, the body is essentially unable to revive and rejuvenate. The TCM body clock identifies ideal times to eat, sleep and exercise, among many other things. Understanding the body clock relationship
can pinpoint how to support the physical health, reset inherent circadian rhythms and transform wellness.
Good sleep is a game changer. Instead of googling the latest sleep aid to hit the market, cultivate a bed time routine which becomes a great precursor to combating anxious thoughts and improved sleep. A bed time routine is also about prioritizing sleep and making time for yourself, away from your phone of course! Your family and friends will thank you. Before you know it, youʼll be waking up just before your alarm goes off, crazier things have happened!