tiny but mighty
Somewhere between sprouts and baby greens, you’ll find microgreens. Microgreens are seedlings of a variety of edible vegetables and herbs. In fact, hundreds! Think about it like this, any vegetable, grain, legume, or salad green can be grown as a microgreen. Their flavor is considered strong and concentrated, and their variety means they can boast a range of flavors from neutral to spicy, slightly sour or even bitter. Despite their size, it’s not uncommon for microgreens to contain four to six times more nutrients than their mature counterparts. We’re talking vitamins, minerals, fiber, polyphenols and antioxidants.
My favorite thing about microgreens is how versatile it can be for a kiddo’s palate. Microgreens provide vital nutrients for kids and it doesn’t take much. If your child seems skeptical at first, there are many hacks to sneak these tiny plants into their meals. Microgreens are best eaten raw in order to maximize their nutrients and freshness, hence salad is the first thing that comes to mind. You might be thinking salad? Yes salad! You can make a salad composed of a variety of microgreens. Other options include adding microgreens to omelettes, sandwiches, pasta, fresh garden salsa, crepes, flatbreads or atop most soups or cooked vegetables and paired with a variety of meats.
You can shop for microgreens at your local farmer’s market, but growing your own is not only a cost effective option but an enriching family experience. Growing microgreens can teach kids how food is grown, where food comes from and it can help them cultivate a sense of gratitude for food- fostering less waste and a curiosity towards a variety of foods. These seemingly simple life lessons will truly nourish the little people you love! To get started, I recommend sustainable options like the plastic free Orta Kitchen Garden kits which contain everything you need. The planter is made from clay, is self watering and all of the ‘consumable’ parts of this kit are backyard compostable.
With 9 out of 10 adults not getting their daily intake of greens, consider packing on the freshness and elevate your nutrition with these powerhouse options.