Go Red!
It may come as a surprise that heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for women and I mean all women, independent of race and origin. In fact, heart disease takes first place in the number of deaths across the world. While high blood pressure and high cholesterol have shown a positive correlation to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity are also significant risk factors. What do all of these risk factors have in common, lifestyle! Is it then a stretch that the leading cause of death can be preventable? Of course regular exercise, a proper and balanced diet coupled with stress management can combat much of the inflammation contributing to risk factors associated with heart disease. But what else might we be missing? Join me to take a closer look at how to remedy a broken heart.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the heart is the emperor of the human body. The practice of Ayurveda and Yoga view the heart as a hub where physical and energetic pathways intersect. The heart is mentioned in many spiritual teachings. In the tradition of Sufism, it is said that ‘when the heart is sick, the whole body is sickʼ. The heart thus houses our emotional and spiritual being as well as keeping the mind grounded. In theory, the ladder could mean that if the mind is affected by anger, overstimulation or depression then the heart energy weakens and long term it begins to lose vitality. Why is this important? Other than physical ramifications it also means that we begin to lose the ability to see beyond the surface, miss when life is calling or worse forget the joy of living our lifeʼs purpose. Emotional disturbances also lead to a viscous cycle of sleep disharmony which in turn negatively affects heart health.
How do you ensure a light heart? An encounter with acupuncture is a great start. The stress relieving effects of acupuncture not only help to improve emotional regulation but also sleep quality and quantity. Some of the best emotional release occurs during or after acupuncture treatment which can in turn foster mental and emotional clarity. Acupuncture can release the old and make room for the new. Additionally, acupuncture is a non-invasive option which can be integrated with conventional treatment in the management of heart disease. This is a simple recipe for adding years to your life and life to your years. Acupuncture has the ability to heal body, mind and spirit. Heart disease after all is a culmination of body, mind and spirit.
If you canʼt find joy, create it no matter how small. Do it daily, and contentment will find you.